Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Do Do Do The Right Thing

Featured from - "God Pleasers"
Jumpstart P.E.P. Talk ~ Prayer Call of H.I.M.
June 24, 2014

What can you DO to please God?  What can you possibly accomplish and do for Him in this life to please Him?  What type of performance can you perform to gain merit from God?

I haven't watched too much Christian television because I have changed my paradigm on what I would like to receive in my ear gate. But, tonight my husband decided to turn on TBN.  We are looking at the same TBN studio in Dallas that Blessed ministered on a few years ago.  There were the Crouch's, Max Lucado, Tullian Tchividjian and Rich Wilkerson, Jr. teaching what I have been studying, the gospel of grace.

We are saved by grace through faith.  Many see grace as having the power to get us to the point of salvation, but the rest of living a good and pleasing life to God is up to us.  How is grace good enough to save us but not keep us?   Is it so that we must do, do, do the right thing to ensure that we are covered?  Grace is a do-over, not the do, do, doing of our works lest any man should boast.  When we are filled with the revelation of God's tremendous love for us and we consistently inundate ourselves with the fact that He paid it ALL and He was good enough to meet the conditions and requirements of the law, we will return the love and adoration for Him. 

Revelation 4:11 says, "Thou art worthy O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." YES; it is ABSOLUTELY correct that you were created to please God.  To bring pleasure means to bless and to bring bliss and happiness to another.  The way that we do this is not how we have learned in the past; to work and strive our way into God's good graces.  Oftentimes we believe that we must keep busy doing any and everything whether productive, unproductive, effective, ineffective; whether it's good for our families and churches or not; as long as we stay busy for the Lord, He will see fit to reciprocate and bless me back.  Unfortunately, this is not God's way, but this is what we do, do, do so we can do right and be right.

The way to please God is live under the freedom of grace.  We are to live in the space of how He originally created us.  He created us to commune with Him, to be with Him without all of the cares and stuff that hinders our relations with Him.  Andrew Wommack says in "A Better Way to Pray", God isn't as concerned about what you do as He is who you are.  He wants your fellowship more than your service, but the church has emphasized, 'Do a work for God.'"  All of the work has been fulfilled by Jesus. When He has your heart, when He has relationship and true intimacy with you, He will get your service. You will be compelled to live a life of adoration and praise and a life of honor to your Father.

God wants you to be free in Him.  Let His grace abound and be in you.  You can't out-sin God's grace and you can't outrun God's love.  Will you allow for God's undeserved and unmerited favor overtake you?  Will you commit to investigating this truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ?  Grace is not a subject in the Christian faith that we teach.  It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.  Grace is a person.  Grace is Jesus.  It took Him to make the great exchange with us; our sin for His righteousness.  When you know that you are in right standing with God through Christ, you will stand right, live right and do right.

I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged by this word.  The word of God can NEVER return void, it MUST accomplish what it was set out to do.  You are GREAT in God's eyes.  See yourself as He sees you, whole.

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at joslyn@hisimagemanifested.org.
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P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog and the podcast as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

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