Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Breaking Cycles

Breaking Cycles 

By: Kay Vaughn, His Image Manifested Blog Contributor

Does it feel like you are trapped on a hamster wheel just spinning around and around and never getting anywhere and at the end of the day, you ask yourself — “How come I didn’t get anywhere today?” People should not be surprised by the ground they never cover when they never move their feet, yet they are.

If we would only remember that when you leave a legacy; it’s just that. It will be viewed by others.  Much of what your children, grand-children or great-grandchildren live out or live with will be determined by our determination to the Break the Cycle.

The definition of a Cycle is not a season. A Cycle – is a chronic and consistent pattern of behavior that is inconsistent with God’s intention for our life.  It’s a life script; that when God sees us in the Cycle or living out the life script, he says: you can do better than this! God knows we are stuck. We have all experienced Cycles, if we are completely honest. We have examples in the word that shows cycles have existed for a long time. Let's look at a few: Mark 5 the woman with the issue of blood for (12yrs); Luke 13 the woman with spirit of infirmity for (18yrs) and the Man at the pool of Bethesda for (30yrs). The same God that broke their Cycle is willing to break yours.

God showed me something in the text of Numbers 13.  Some Cycles cannot be broken until we address our sight problem.  The spies went out to spy the land. For 40 days they were scouting out the land, but when they came back they reported what they saw. It was at that moment that set a cycle in to motion.  They said: "We are grasshoppers in our site and in their sight as well."  10 people told the Children of Israel who they were to themselves and to others. WOW! They believed what they said and stayed STUCK all because they followed the thought pattern of the ten men!

Side Bar- "When you allow somebody to stop you from being and doing; you do so with glasses they gave you." - Dharius Daniels

The enemy uses tools of intimidation to get us to avoid a fixed fight. God will fight for us and has already won the battle!!! You can’t focus on the giants but rather focus on the God of the giants.  Like Mose,s God will give us a specific route that will get us to Canaan (our promise land) so we don’t have to go the way of the Philistine (through a dry place). Whatever Cycle you are in you must find the courage to come OUT!!

Here are five things to help you break it:
·         Call it what it is—A Cycle!!!!
·         Correct your sight problem (renew your mind). See yourself free of it!
·          Let God give you the route out with HIS word.
·         When God paid your ransom- he redeemed us- Our potential changed!! We are no longer conquerors;    we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS- because our ability to accomplish things always increases.
·         God won't always tell you that he heard your cry; but  know he is talking to your help!!

If you start identifying the Cycles God will most assuredly give you power over it. You already seated in heavenly places. Cycles keep you from reining.  So get ready, get set, And Go!!


 About the writer:

 Kay Vaughn- is mother and a wife, with a passion for writing. She discovered her love for expressing herself through words, while keeping a journal in a very difficult time. One of her greatest desire is to develop a column. Called “Kay’s Wisdom Corner” (Stayed tuned it shall come to pass) She believes strongly in the institution of marriage, motherhood and healthy relationships. She currently resides in North Carolina. On any given day you can find her spending time with her family, reading and covered in sticky notes, with her coupons nearby. 

I hope that this word has blessed your heart and transformed your mind.  Please meditate on this word and share it with your friends and family.

I can't wait to fellowship with you!

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