Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Up High or Down Low

From Jumpstart's P.E.P. Talk on June 29, 2014

I have always loved houses that have large front porches.  Porches are spaces that can be decorated and designed with patio furniture and flowers in the spring and summer time. I have a nice sized front porch decorated with beautiful hanging baskets with colorful flowers cascading off of the sides of it.  A robin decided to build a nest in one of the hanging baskets and laid several eggs in it.  LeDerick and I didn't realize it until the eggs hatched.  Oftentimes, when the meteorologist calls for rain, we like to take the baskets down to ensure that the flowers get fresh rain water.  One evening, rain was in the forecast, so we left the baskets down over night.  The next day when I went to put them back up, baby bird remains were all over my porch.
Birds know to live UP HIGH.
Have you ever wondered why birds build their nests up high?  It's designed to keep the nesting bird and their young from predators.  Birds just know to build their nests up high; it's in their nature. You must realize that your mentality, thought life and understanding must align with your new nature.  You must be in your mind where you are spiritually placed and seated.  This is called "mental assent".  Mental assent pertains to what beliefs, demands or proposals that you allow your mind to comply with and give in to.  This is why we are consistently reminded in the New Covenant who and whose we are.

You are:

1. Born Again - John 3:3; the message translation says you're born from above.
2. Righteous & Justified - Romans 3; in right standing with God your Father.
3. Royal Priesthood, Holy, Chosen & Peculiar - 1 Peter 2:9; it specifically states that YOU ARE, not WILL BE.
4. Quickened together with Christ. Ephesians 2
5. Saved - Ephesians 2
6. Ordained to good works - Ephesians 2
7. Loved - John 3 & 1 John 4

This is information that many of you are aware of, but may not completely believe with all of your heart.  You see my sister's (brother's too), birds know their place.  At times they come down to the ground for food, but their habitat is UP HIGH.  Their mental assent is consistent with what they were created to be.  We need to take a few lessons out of the page from how birds live.  We must keep our minds focused on our new nature, not on what our old man has done and has been.  Staying in the right position in our minds keeps us from worry, doubt, fear, shame, regret, and condemnation.  You are seated and positioned above all of it. Birds don't allow what's on the ground to keep them grounded; they still fly above it all. You are better and worth more than any and every negative situation.  You were loved into a higher place, for a higher calling and purpose for the Most High and His Kingdom.  You have been situated into an "advanced placement" program by the King of kings.  You have been promoted to a higher rank and raised up to a place where everything other than Kingdom is small and has already been dealt with through untainted blood.

I hope that this word has blessed your heart and transformed your mind.  Please meditate on this word and share it with your friends and family.

I can't wait to fellowship with you!
The prayer conference call has a NEW NAME and a NEW TIME!  It's "Jumpstart P.E.P. Talk" Praise|Exhortation|Prayer; a time to talk and listen to our loving Father. The call is designed to give you a boost to start your week off right. You may call in every Sunday MORNING at 6:00 AM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056. I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at joslyn@hisimagemanifested.org.
If you want to receive giveaways and gifts from the ministry as well as finding out what we're doing and where we are going, go to the website and click on "Contacts" and hit "subscribe".

Check out my new website at www.hisimagemanifested.org. You can get to the blogs, podcasts, subscribe to our email blasts and book Joslyn and LeDerick from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



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