Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Joslyn's Blog: Renewing the Mind: Expectancy vs. Expectation

Enjoy this mind renewing word and be free from the bondage that people too often place you in! Love you loves! Please share this with your friends.
Joslyn's Blog: Renewing the Mind: Expectancy vs. Expectation: Blog - February 26, 2014 Renewing the Mind: Expectation vs. Expectancy Notes from Jump Start Prayer Ministry 2/23/14 Disclaimer: So...

Renewing the Mind: Expectancy vs. Expectation

Blog - February 26, 2014

Renewing the Mind: Expectation vs. Expectancy
Notes from Jump Start Prayer Ministry 2/23/14

Disclaimer: Some of you may not agree, but I have seen this and experienced it first hand. I am aware that this is one thing that the enemy uses subtly to destroy God's people.  Be open and allow the Spirit of God to speak to your heart in love.

"Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the POWER that worketh in you." Ephesians 3:20 (Emphasis added)

A woman who is pregnant has expectancy, an understanding and a knowing that a baby is coming. And although a due date is given based on scientific knowledge about gestation, there is no exact knowledge of an exact date when birthing naturally because neither the doctor's or mother has full control of when the baby comes.

The above scenario defines the difference between expectation and expectancy. The two words are very similar, but when looking deeper under the surface, we find that they are different.

Expectancy is anticipatory belief.  You aren't sure how something will work out, but you anticipate that it will work out well and for your good.  Expectancy is hope.  Hope doesn't make us ashamed, because the love of our God is shed abroad in our hearts in Christ Jesus.  Expectancy allows for us to live life flexibly.  Whenever obstacles invade our space, we can respond to that obstacle with expectancy knowing that God's Grace is sufficient.  It is our way of receiving God's promises and pronouncements about our lives without trying to manipulate and dictate to Him how and when they should be delivered to us. You know how we do that, right?  We try to manipulate God by trying to earn blessings from Him rather than receiving it by Grace and His Christ's finished and completed work. In my Dr. Phil voice, "How's that working for ya?!" We can never earn what Jesus has already bought, that's why we hope and have faith in Him. It's why we learn to rest in Him and allow Him to lead and guide us into all truth.

On the contrary, expectation is the degree of probability that something will happen.  It is how we maintain dominance and control over one another.  Most of us have put expectations on others or have had expectations put on us.  The issue with expectation is we set in our minds what will happen, how it will happen, when it should happen, why it should happen, who should complete what is expected to happen and if it doesn't happen according to plan, we become disappointed and frustrated with those who did not make it happen. How many times have you failed to meet the expectations of folks that have put them on you?  I bet that you, just like me, have failed at meeting a multitude of expectations.  I remember one Thanksgiving, a family member stated to my sister and I a set of expectations that they had of us for years that we never knew about.  These expectations were one sided, which meant that we were expected to comply but there was no reciprocity for the person who had these expectations.  In other words,
"You had better do what I expect, but don't expect me to reciprocate."   Thus, the person in whom did not carry out the expectation is held to certain standards that most times can't be met by the person with the expectation and both parties end up wounded.    Beloved, expectation breeds contempt.  "It is nothing more than premeditated resentment." (Earnestly)

How many families have been broken due to expectation? How many more children have to grow into depressed adults because they failed to meet the expectations of their parents?  How many friendships have been destroyed because "I expect you to call me every day." Or, "I expect to be your only friend in whom you confide in."  How many people have been beat up and wounded in churches where there are expectations that even the leadership can't maintain?  (Oh yes, I went there!). What are we doing to each other?  Why do we put so much pressure on each other to perform when God doesn't even pressure us?  Our Father's only expectation of us is to believe on Jesus Christ, "ask and think" then allow for the dynamite POWER that lives in us to work His will in His time, on our behalf, in us and through us.  Our trust in His ability breeds expectancy.  Do you not know that God's Grace and love has provided for our mistakes and weaknesses?  Furthermore, when you are weak; that is, when you relinquish your right to be in control, then He will make you strong.

Loved one,  you are hereby released from the negative results that have destroyed your confidence because of failure to meet expectations, especially those one sided, unrealistic ones.  Be free from ALL bondage and allow for God's love to wash over you like a warm wave and a soft wind.

I pray that you have found freedom in these last two months of Mind Renewing messages.  "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call.

Check out my new website at
 You can get to the blogs, and podcasts from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog and the podcast as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Renewing Our Minds About God - Don't MISS it

Blog - February 19, 2014

Renewing our Minds Towards God
Notes from Jump Start Prayer Ministry 2/16/14

Perception can be tricky. A person can perceive something to be true that is not true and vis a versa.  This is something that we have recently seen in the media over and over again.  We stereotype, have biases and perceptions of one another that are, for the most part untrue. Many perceptions are made through our stereotypes and biases before we ever meet the person that we've judged and perceived negatively.

I am, for one, a person that has been mis-read and mis-understood, but when people truly get to know my character and see how much I truly care about people and their well-being, they see me differently.  Perhaps we have made some of the same assumptions about God; mis-understanding, mis-interpreting and mis-guided because of our mis-conceptions  regarding His character.  When you haven't fully examined a situation or a person, our perceptions cause us to MISS truth.  The question is; "Do we truly know our Father and do we honestly have a truthful perception and conception of His infinite love for us?"

To perceive means to come to know, aware of and identify through the senses.  Another definition means to recognize, discern, understand and envision.  Most people use the first definition to determine what we think we know about a person. We use our five senses to determine truth.  The truth is, our senses can never be the determining factor of real truth about a person because our senses can lie to us. How many times have we mis-interpreted or mis-understood a person based on our senses later to find that we were wrong? Our senses are here so that we can live and operate in this world because we live in a physical world in a physical body. However, when you are born into the son-ship of a Loving Father, your gauge for truth is His Spirit that is housed in your spirit which imparts truth and wisdom about all things including how He is to be perceived.

We have read about the bloodly Old Testament wars, the judgement, the fire, the floods and the plagues of the Old Covenant. We have discovered the conditionality of the law code; the if you do, then I will do, part of the Law.  We have discovered the ways to be cursed and blessed through the rudiments, and these are the glasses that we use to perceive our Father who never intended for law in the beginning.  His intention was never for us to walk independent of His leading, however, man chose to live apart from Him.  Israel chose a physical king rather the the True King.  God loved man so much that He allowed for us to think independently from Him and to live outside of His perfection, but, if we were to live in such a way, we would have to live the way that fleshly kings dictated.  History shows that the law code was first used outside of Israel to ensure order and control. Without dependence on a true Father and King, laws and rules had to be made.  No one who has ever lived has ever kept all of the law except Jesus Christ who did it as a man by being lead by His Father.  "For all things that I have heard of my Father, I have made known to you." John 15:15b

Our current examples of a good father is grossly lacking even for those who have great father's, so we choose to cast that lacking perception on our Heavenly Father.
God's plan is love, righteousness and reconciliation which is what He performed through Jesus Christ.  His original idea for us was never to live separate, apart or for us to live independently from Him.  He wants to walk with us in the cool of the day.  He wants us to discern and experience His goodness which brings satisfaction, quality and excellence in our lives.

It's important to commit to the mind renewing process because it will change our paradigm which will positively fuel our emotions and our senses which helps us to perceive our Father in such a way that, no matter what's happening in our lives, we know that He is good.  "My plans for you are good.  Never to harm you, but to give you a beautiful and expected end.", says your Daddy.  See also Hebrews 8:6-13.

I pray that you have received a new paradigm and have new glasses on which to perceive your gracious and loving Father.

Our theme for this quarter is "Getting to know who God really is: Renewing your mind".

Check out my new website at You can get to the blogs, and podcasts from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast  to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Joslyn's Blog: Renewing the Mind: Beware of Re-Toxifying

Joslyn's Blog: Renewing the Mind: Beware of Re-Toxifying: Blog - February 11, 2014 Renewing the Mind - Beware of Re-Toxifying Notes from Jump Start Prayer Ministry 2/9/14 In Second Timothy chap...

Renewing the Mind: Beware of Re-Toxifying

Blog - February 11, 2014

Renewing the Mind - Beware of Re-Toxifying
Notes from Jump Start Prayer Ministry 2/9/14

In Second Timothy chapter 1, Paul tells Timothy to stir up the gift that is in him that he received by the laying on of hands. He also told him that God had not given him the spirit of fear (timidity and passivity).  In Romans 8, Paul admonishes us to be led by the Spirit of God and not to go back into the bondage again to fear (terror).  This type of fear makes a son and daughter of God believe that they are not sons or daughters even though they have been adopted into the family.  The scripture in Romans goes on further to say we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ and that this world awaits the manifestation of the children of God.

My friends and I have decided to change our lifestyles by becoming more health conscience.  We have changed what we eat and drink and frequently detox by juicing and eating raw.  You can literally feel the difference in your body when your body is fed on a cellular level with the right foods.  A toxin is any substance that causes adverse affects to our body.  Toxins come into the body via food, drinks, processed foods and the air from our environment. Symptoms from toxins may not be immediate, but they may build up in your body and cause major problems in the future.

Our minds, prior to being in the process of renewal and renewing, is toxic.  This toxicity comes in and causes corrupt thinking which causes corrupt decisions and behavior.  This is why Paul admonishes us to renew our minds in Romans 12.  An unrenewed mind is toxic and corrupt.  When we do a mind detox, but allow for our circumstances to produce fear and allow for our thought life to get away from us by not being intentional thinkers, then we allow toxins to come back in.

Fear; the terror and the passive kind of fear will re-toxify your minds. As we endeavor to renew our minds by applying 2 Corinthians 10:5 and by receiving the mind of Christ by faith, we must resist the mind toxins that are environmental and self-infused from coming back to bring about corrupt thinking.

Think on these things: you are sons and daughters of God, you are Kingdom citizens, you are heirs of God and of the blessings of Abraham and joint heirs with Christ, you are not passive, but you have tremendous power and authority given to you by your Father.  Think on truth and what is honorable, lovely and of a good report.  Your present is not your forever. God is ready to reveal you to the world so that they can see that He is the One True God.  Let Him release you by allowing His truth change your way of thinking.

Refrain from listening to criticism, negative conversation, and replaying past traumatic experiences in your head. Learn how to be strategic in removing yourself from negative situations.  Meditate on the goodness of God, His love for you and His promised plans of good and not of evil. Allow for His joy to be the stronghold in your thought life never allowing for joy-killers to pervade and filter into your process of renewal. Allow for God to be your Father; let Him love you by opening your mind to His true nature and character.

Say this prayer with me this week:  Lord we thank you that our minds are yours to renovate and renew.  We receive the mind of Christ and we believe like Christ.  We speak to all manner of storms and they must obey us because we believe like You and we are authorized by You.  We no longer allow for outside toxins to infiltrate our minds.  We declare that we are deliberate thinkers and we will no longer infuse ourselves with minds toxins, but we will think on Truth.  Jesus, You are Truth.  We realize who we are and we operate in the role and the capacity in which You have called us.  Thank You for your love, tender mercies and graciousness.  In Christ's Name. AMEN!

I pray that you were helped by this word on "Beware of Re-toxifying".

Our theme for this quarter is "Getting to know who God really is: Renewing your mind".

Check out my new website at You can get to the blogs, and podcasts from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast  to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Renewing the Mind - Breaking Through Limitations

Blog - February 4. 2014

Renewing the Mind - Breaking Through Limitations
All Things are Possible

Have you ever heard the statement, "The sky is the limit"?  Have you ever asked why does the sky have to be the limit when there is a universe to be discovered?

The First Moon Walk - The Sky is NOT the Limit
On July 16, 1969, three crew members of the Apollo 11 launched to out of space to head to the moon for the first ever moon walk.  History was made when Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins planted the American flag on the desolate surface of the rocky moon.  The moon walk was a goal of the late President John F. Kennedy in which he proposed in 1961.  Many people did not think that going to the moon was a possible feat, but the crew brought back almost 50 pounds of lunar material to prove that it could not only happen, but it did happen. Today, we can get robots to Mars and have discovered more galaxies.

What ever happened to the dreams, visions and proposals of the believer? Why are we limiting ourselves to the sky? A limit is a final or the furthest boundary; a ceiling or an end-point.  Limitations keep us bound in our minds and subsequently in our physical, natural realm. God's original intention for us never consisted of limitations. Adam did not have limitations until he sinned and guilt, shame and self-centeredness entered the scene.  When a person focuses on themselves and not on who they belong to and who they are in Christ, they become limited in their thinking. And as the Proverb states, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.....", therefore a limited thought life is a limited life.   Limited thinking comes into play when we lean to our own understanding.  Having a proclivity to act on your own is a result of a mind that has not been renewed, is not in the process of being renewed and lacks trust in God.

Renewing is a three part word; it consists of a root word, a prefix and a suffix.  Once you've looked into the meaning of all three parts you get this definition:  to go back again to what appeared the first time so that true results can be produced.  Thus, we can conclude that limited thinking can be broken when we commit to renewing our minds with the Word of God.  The word of God is Spirit and Life; it is Truth.  It is more real than what you see in the physical world. Therefore, let it convince you of the fact that what you have seen a dreamed about is real, only untapped.

Let me leave you with this, if an airplane is grounded, then it can't operate in its purpose because it was designed to fly.  A bird whose wing is broken is not going to be able to operate in its God-given purpose because it was made to fly.  A mind that is not renewed is a mind that is broken, corrupted and grounded. It will never be able to see fully who they are, why they are here and what they are designed to be.  It won't be able to tap into the impossibilities.  With God ALL THINGS are possible.

I pray that you were helped by this word on "Breaking Limitations".

Our theme for this quarter is "Getting to know who God really is: Renewing your mind".

I am excited to announce that THE PODCAST IS HERE!  Click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.

ALSO, the website has launched TODAY.  Go and check it out at .



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!