Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Do Do Do The Right Thing

Featured from - "God Pleasers"
Jumpstart P.E.P. Talk ~ Prayer Call of H.I.M.
June 24, 2014

What can you DO to please God?  What can you possibly accomplish and do for Him in this life to please Him?  What type of performance can you perform to gain merit from God?

I haven't watched too much Christian television because I have changed my paradigm on what I would like to receive in my ear gate. But, tonight my husband decided to turn on TBN.  We are looking at the same TBN studio in Dallas that Blessed ministered on a few years ago.  There were the Crouch's, Max Lucado, Tullian Tchividjian and Rich Wilkerson, Jr. teaching what I have been studying, the gospel of grace.

We are saved by grace through faith.  Many see grace as having the power to get us to the point of salvation, but the rest of living a good and pleasing life to God is up to us.  How is grace good enough to save us but not keep us?   Is it so that we must do, do, do the right thing to ensure that we are covered?  Grace is a do-over, not the do, do, doing of our works lest any man should boast.  When we are filled with the revelation of God's tremendous love for us and we consistently inundate ourselves with the fact that He paid it ALL and He was good enough to meet the conditions and requirements of the law, we will return the love and adoration for Him. 

Revelation 4:11 says, "Thou art worthy O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." YES; it is ABSOLUTELY correct that you were created to please God.  To bring pleasure means to bless and to bring bliss and happiness to another.  The way that we do this is not how we have learned in the past; to work and strive our way into God's good graces.  Oftentimes we believe that we must keep busy doing any and everything whether productive, unproductive, effective, ineffective; whether it's good for our families and churches or not; as long as we stay busy for the Lord, He will see fit to reciprocate and bless me back.  Unfortunately, this is not God's way, but this is what we do, do, do so we can do right and be right.

The way to please God is live under the freedom of grace.  We are to live in the space of how He originally created us.  He created us to commune with Him, to be with Him without all of the cares and stuff that hinders our relations with Him.  Andrew Wommack says in "A Better Way to Pray", God isn't as concerned about what you do as He is who you are.  He wants your fellowship more than your service, but the church has emphasized, 'Do a work for God.'"  All of the work has been fulfilled by Jesus. When He has your heart, when He has relationship and true intimacy with you, He will get your service. You will be compelled to live a life of adoration and praise and a life of honor to your Father.

God wants you to be free in Him.  Let His grace abound and be in you.  You can't out-sin God's grace and you can't outrun God's love.  Will you allow for God's undeserved and unmerited favor overtake you?  Will you commit to investigating this truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ?  Grace is not a subject in the Christian faith that we teach.  It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.  Grace is a person.  Grace is Jesus.  It took Him to make the great exchange with us; our sin for His righteousness.  When you know that you are in right standing with God through Christ, you will stand right, live right and do right.

I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged by this word.  The word of God can NEVER return void, it MUST accomplish what it was set out to do.  You are GREAT in God's eyes.  See yourself as He sees you, whole.

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at joslyn@hisimagemanifested.org.
If you want to receive giveaways and gifts from the ministry as well as finding out what we're doing and where we are going, go to the website and click on "Contacts" and hit "subscribe".

Check out my new website at www.hisimagemanifested.org. You can get to the blogs, podcasts, subscribe to our email blasts and book Joslyn and LeDerick from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog and the podcast as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Joslyn's Blog: Receive, Reiterate, Rest

There is such a thing as absolute freedom in Christ, but many of us falter in it because of the cares of this world.  Let's face it life happens.  But, we can be free and freedom is readily available when we learn to receive, reiterate and rest #InHIM. See yourself the way God sees you; FREE. #HisImageManifested. www.hisimagemanifested.org

Joslyn's Blog: Receive, Reiterate, Rest: "Keys to True Freedom" From Jumpstart P.E.P. Talk June 9, 2014 I will never forget when I was 17 years old sitting in the back...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Receive, Reiterate, Rest

"Keys to True Freedom"
From Jumpstart P.E.P. Talk
June 9, 2014

I will never forget when I was 17 years old sitting in the back of New Life Church on a Sunday morning doing what I always did in church; talk to my friends, laughing and not listening.  I looked up to the guest speaker for a split second when the Spirit of God arrested me with such beautiful words, "God wants to free you like a butterfly."  God loves you and wants to free you."  This was the day that Holy Spirit began to work triple time to close the deal on my heart.  The following Thursday night, I gave my life to Jesus at bible study.

Freedom is a noun and is defined as the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.  It's the state of not being enslaved.  God has given us the gift of free moral agency.  That means that we get to choose, however choices and rights don't necessarily mean that you are free.  True freedom is when the "Son sets you free; you are free indeed."  "Indeed Freedom" gives you the true power or right to act, speak or think with a renewed, refined mind; the mind of Christ.

Jesus has truly done the work to set us free, however, many of us live outside of the bounds of freedom.  Many of us are bound by the cares of this life, by our flaws and our failures. These things bring discontent and lots of anxiety keeping us from sleep, productivity; and basically keeping us from living our best life in Christ.  Moving away from such anxieties can be difficult.  The written word spoken over your life that is reiterated and received brings true rest. Rest brings freedom and relief from weariness.

1 Peter 5:6 says, "So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs.  God's strong hand is on you; he'll promote you at the right time.  LIVE CAREFREE  before God; he is most careful with you." MSG (emphasis added) "Cast ALL your care upon Him; for He careth for you." KJV  When we get a true revelation and receive in our hearts that God our Father (Dad) cares for us, loves us more than we love ourselves, wants the best for us and has already planned the best for us to walk in, we will walk in true rest.
Stuff happens.  Yes, horrible stuff happens to Christian's, but our focus is to be on what Jesus did to provide us with the best and know that the best awaits us.  What we usually do is call momma, best friend, daddy, sister, husband, wife, etc. and tell them what's wrong, what's lacking, what's missing, what's broken, who did us wrong......  Do you see how we REITERATE the wrong message?  The wrong message constantly restated adds anxiety to us like a cloak; we walk around with layers of cares looking like a spiritual vagabond. We walk around like we are not sons and daughters of the King of the universe. (See Romans 8:14 - 19)

According to 1 Peter, we can do a few things to walk in our freedom.

1. Strongly reject the root of the care.
2. Cast off every care. Hurl it away from your mind and heart.
2. Keep from napping to the finished work of Christ.
3. Stay alert to the source of anxiety.
4. Keep a grip on the faith; knowing that He cares.

Psalm 55:22 says to "Cast your burden to the Lord and He shall sustain thee: He shall NEVER suffer the righteous to be moved."  You were gifted righteousness by Christ Jesus.  (See 2 Corinthians 5:21) Throw your cares onto Jesus.  He will take them and give you rest; freedom and relief from your weariness.  He will not allow for you to be moved, or removed from your position in the Kingdom of God or your status as a son or daughter.

Beloved, be sure to keep a heart of thanksgiving and remember when approaching God in prayer to pray the prayer of thanksgiving more so than bringing your stuff to Him.  He knows what you have need of before you ask.

I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged by this word.  The word of God can NEVER return void, it MUST accomplish what it was set out to do.  You are GREAT in God's eyes.  See yourself as He sees you, whole.

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at joslyn@hisimagemanifested.org.


If you want to receive giveaways and gifts from the ministry as well as finding out what we're doing and where we are going, go to the website and click on "Contacts" and hit "subscribe".

Check out my new website at www.hisimagemanifested.org. You can get to the blogs, podcasts, subscribe to our email blasts and book Joslyn and LeDerick from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog and the podcast as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Joslyn's Blog: Dirt Cheap?!

Is dirt really cheap?  Are you cheap or should I ask have you been cheapened?  Dirt ain't cheap.  See why it isn't in this week's blog!  Please share with your friends. Love you loves! ~ Jos #HisImageManifested www.hisimagemanifested.org

Joslyn's Blog: Dirt Cheap?!: Blog June 3, 2014 Dirt ain't cheap! It was a beautiful Monday evening.  I was hanging out with the family celebrating my sons c...

Dirt Cheap?!

June 3, 2014

Dirt ain't cheap!

It was a beautiful Monday evening.  I was hanging out with the family celebrating my sons crossing over from a cub scout to a boy scout.  I didn't realize that the "Blue and Gold" ceremony was such a big deal.  The ceremony finally began and the leader at the facility in which the ceremony was held was asked to open up in prayer.  Before he prayed, however, he told a wonderful story that had recently happened to him and his business.  He told us that a few months ago, the facility that we were gathered in was going to be foreclosed upon.  They had exhausted all of their attempts to keep the building and had resolved that the inevitable would happen.  But then ten days away from foreclosure, an angel with dirty boots showed up and said, "You know you have good dirt back behind your building?"  Needless to say, this stranger came in and saved this facility from foreclosure. That's not the best part.  When LeDerick and I spoke to the leader one-on-one that evening, he told us that the dirt contract was worth $1 million and that it not only saved them from foreclosure but allowed them to do much more.

The point of the story is we always use the idiom "dirt cheap", but dirt ain't cheap.  The idiom means to be extraordinarily cheap or inexpensive.  Most idioms with the word "dirt" in it has a negative connotation.  Such idioms are throwing dirt, talking dirty, taking a dirt nap, dirt poor, dishing the dirt, digging up dirt and dirty old man to name a few. 
You are valuable.

"God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life.  The man came alive - a living soul." Genesis 2:7 MSG

When God created Adam with dirt, He formed something good, something of value and of worth.  When Adam sinned, he soiled and tarnished the goodness that God placed in Him and he began to see himself as filthy and dirty (ironic) which is why he hid himself from God's presence. 

I've always had the perception of dirt to be consistent with its definition; any foul or filthy substance  such as mud, grime, dust or excrement.  It literally means to be worthless and vile, yet God made something of tremendous value from such a substance that He would send His Son Jesus to cleanse us and to rectify the dirty feelings and thoughts that we have when we view and evaluate ourselves. Our evaluation of ourselves should ALWAYS be through the blood of Christ. After all this is how God sees us.  Our righteousness is as filthy rags.  As a matter of fact, there is no goodness in us; there's only goodness in God our Father who made us acceptable through Christ.  Born-again believer's are righteous by gift. 

You may have gone through things or have done things that makes you feel dirty.  These things have threatened your confidence and when you see you, you don't see any worth.  Let me encourage you. You are perfect, whole and entire in Christ.  You are seated with Him in heavenly places.  All of your filth has been forgiven and forgotten.

This is what I've learned from that unforgettable Monday night:

1. You are important to your Father and His plans for you will not falter. Jeremiah 29:11
2. Your circumstance, no matter how far gone, is reachable. Ephesians 3:20
3. He is willing and able to help you. Hebrews 4:16
4. God is concerned about EVERY facet of your life, even to the smallest detail. Matthew 10:30
5. Dirt ain't cheap. John 3:16

Neither are you beloved.  You are priceless.  You were loved so much and there was so much worth placed on you and your life that God sent His Son who paid the ultimate price; a high price to redeem you.  This price was so high that no one else was capable of paying the debt; YOU ARE PRICELESS.

Friends, we must cease from obsessing over our shortcomings and look unto Him and who He is and what He's accomplished. Being persuaded of these things will keep us and teach us who we are #InHim.

I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged by this word.  The word of God can NEVER return void, it MUST accomplish what it was set out to do.  You are GREAT in God's eyes.  See yourself as He sees you, whole.

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at joslyn@hisimagemanifested.org.

If you want to receive giveaways and gifts from the ministry as well as finding out what we're doing and where we are going, go to the website and click on "Contacts" and hit "subscribe".

Check out my new website at www.hisimagemanifested.org. You can get to the blogs, podcasts, subscribe to our email blasts and book Joslyn and LeDerick from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog and the podcast as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!