Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Use Your WMD

Blog - April 29, 2014

Use Your WMD

Using Your Divine Apparatus - Your Mouth

I have heard about weapons of mass destruction since I can remember. The first recorded mention of WMD's was in 1947. A weapon of mass destruction is a biological, chemical, nuclear or radiological weapon that can destroy a mass of human and plant life. I can't imagine why one would want to use such a weapon, so I decided to try to find out.  According to J. Robert Oppenheimer in his lecture to the State Department in 1947, WMD's are used as "a very far reaching control which one would eliminate the rivalry between nations in this field, which would prevent the surreptitious arming of one nation against another..."  These weapons can be "guided" missiles which have the capability of causing death and serious bodily injury to a  significant amount of people upon its release.  There is much more information about this subject that I would never be able to understand, wouldn't need to understand, however, I understand that there is one member that is more deadly than a WMD.

This weapon is the tongue, our divine apparatus.  We have been given a special unction by God and that is to be creators like Him.  We are made in His image and in His likeness, therefore we have creative ability and power. Our mouths can be used to destroy our brothers and sisters (see James 2) or it can be used to create the atmosphere and life that we desire to live. Do you remember the old adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" Yet, we carry around the weights of words that have been spoken over us by the neighborhood bully who teased us or the parent who dubbed us as "never gonna be nothin'." Words are powerful, hence the only reason why human beings are the only creation that has the power of speech. Speech is a creative, supernatural power.

We are very acquainted with and aware of how we can use our mouths for negative purposes. So rather than speaking about how our tongues can destroy one another, I would like to discuss how our words can bring life, health and wholeness to our world.

In Luke chapter 5, we see Jesus on several occasions preaching His Father's words. He preaches on Simon's boat, He spoke to the leper, He preached in a house where a multitude was gathered outside where He healed the man with palsy.  The scripture says that while Jesus preached in the house, "the power of The Lord was present to heal them."  The word power here means the ability to produce, perform or act effectively. The Greek defines power as "dunamis" which means to have inherent power, strength and ability.  Inherent means to be existing, something permanent and an inseparable element.  What does all of this mean, you ask?  It means that the Rhema, spoken word of God, has the power to destroy and to perform.  The power already exists in the word, it just needs to be activated by speech and faith. The spoken word is a WMD; it is the power of God to bring destruction to a significant amount of issues.  It destroys all manner of sickness, disease, lack, poverty, emotional issues and trauma and any other ailment that is designed to keep us inoperable and ineffective.
In Luke 5, we find that while Jesus was preaching, the man with palsy was healed.  This man's ailment was destroyed instantly. At the same time, the word of God can produce what is needed for our lives. After Jesus preached on Simons boat, He told Simon to let down his nets.  Simon told Jesus that he and his associates had fished all night and that there were no fish.  He then said, "Nevertheless, at your WORD I will let down the net." While Jesus preached the word on Peter's boat, the power of the word caused the fish to come.  The word of God attracts your desires and brings them to you. Even when you can't see them, they are there.

The word carries Richter scale power, the kind of power that changes courses and directions in an instant. You have been given the right to speak the word of God, the word of the god of this world or to remain silent. Which one will you do?

Need change on you job, at home, with the children or spouse? Speak the word of God over it. Go to work early and preach the word of faith in the halls. Rise up early in the morning and decree the word of God over your family, anoint the door posts and the window sills.  When you speak the word in the atmosphere that you need changed, the power of God will be there to bring the change you need.

So let's recap.  The word of God is used to:
1. Eliminate the thoughts and suggestions of your adversary.
2. Destroy all things that are contradictory to the wholeness that Jesus paid for.
3. Create and attract the life that we desire to live.
4. Change courses and directions in our lives for the better.
5. Keep us effective in the Kingdom of God.

I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged by this word.  The word of God can NEVER return void, it MUST accomplish what it was set out to do.  Use your tongue (mouth), your divine apparatus to destroy evil and attract all of God's best to you.

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at joslyn@hisimagemanifested.org.

If you want to receive giveaways and gifts from the ministry as well as finding out what we're doing and where we are going, go to the website and click on "Contacts" and hit "subscribe".

Check out my new website at www.hisimagemanifested.org. You can get to the blogs, podcasts, subscribe to our email blasts and book Joslyn and LeDerick from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog and the podcast as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Reason You Can't Shake It Off

The Reason You Can't Shake It Off
Implementing "The Kill"

Blog April 22, 2014
Connecticut who was ranked #7 played Michigan State who was ranked #4 in the elite 8 of the March Madness saga.  At the half, Michigan was winning 25 to 21.  The half-time recap made it seem like UConn would not be able to make a move to handle the Michigan Spartans.  The commentators said, “The Huskies are undersized; they are too small, they aren’t aggressive enough, they can’t stop Michigan.”
They ended up beating Michigan State by six points after a hard fought game of defense and forcing turn overs.
The interviewer asked Coach Kevin Ollie, “How did you do it?”  He said, “We implemented what we call "The Kill”.  He later defined the kill to mean three consecutive stops.  Once you do that to your opponent, it demoralizes them.  It shakes them, gets them off of their game and turns the momentum our way.

The reason why many of us can't move from our rut, our pain, our chronic problems; the reason we can't "shake it off" is because we do not utilize the information that we know.  We are in the age of information.  We can get a word, advice, prophecies and coaching ALL online.  We have this information, yet we refuse to implement it or learn how to implement it. 

Jesus was presented with the same issues as we are. He was confronted with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life in Matthew 4 verses 1 - 11, yet He was able to implement "The Kill", three consecutive stops using the Word of His Father.  Notice that Jesus and David were accused and/or accosted three times and each time they put a stop to it because they had and used specific information. 

Adversity oftentimes comes in three's.  We must learn to implement "The Kill" to turn the momentum our way and to get the accuser to retreat.  (See James 4:7)

This is what we do when temptations, tests, trials and circumstances come:

1. We look at the enormity of the issue.  It's a giant.
2. We become intimidated and afraid. The giant speaks death threats to our minds.
3. We fall back, become terrified and live in a state of paralysis. We don't believe that we've won and we lose all hope.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Joslyn's Blog: God's Track Record - This is a Rehearsal

It's time for tables to turn in your life, but before then, take some time to look at all God has done for you.  Discover His resume', CV and account for the multiple blessings that He has poured out on you. He has truly done GREAT things. Please share with your friends and subscribe for the first HIM giveaway at www.hisimagemanifested.org. Blessings to you my friends!

Joslyn's Blog: God's Track Record - This is a Rehearsal: Blog - April 15, 2014 TRUST- Part Four God's Track Record - This is a Rehearsal T he confidence that the one in whom you depend ...

God's Track Record - This is a Rehearsal

Blog - April 15, 2014

TRUST- Part Four

God's Track Record - This is a Rehearsal

The confidence that the one in whom you depend upon will act according to why you depended on them in the first place.  There's another way to describe trust. We have determined thus far that Jesus pursued us to be in right relationship with us.  We have discovered His flawless character that is seen in the heavens and all of nature.  Today, we will look into the last key to determining how to find if one is trustworthy.

Consistency, being present and available; being celebrated, loved and backed up are all indicators of someone having a good track record.  Just like we can prove God's excellent character in nature, we can discover His flawless track record when we look.

The children of Israel were taught to keep track of God's magnificent acts.   They were slaves in the land of oppression, lack and not enough; the land of Egypt. They were crying out to God for help and He answered by sending a deliverer in Moses. He had heard their groaning and prayers. One day they were broke and oppressed and the next day they were wealthy and free.  He slaughtered their enemies in the Red Sea after sending them over on dry land. He kept them with just enough in the wilderness by providing manna and cold well water taken from a rock.  Their clothes and shoes never wore out while they were on their journey to their blessed place.  They crossed over the Jordan, walked around Jericho, shouted and took what God had given them.  God had given them what He had promised generations before to their fore Fathers.  They rehearsed what God had done over and over again, celebrating by having festivals and feasts; teaching their children the mighty acts of their God so they could know to trust Him. (See Psalm 78). Psalm 77 is one passage in particular where David had only seen hardship resulting from his circumstances, but in verses 11 and 12 he says, "Once again, I'll go over what God has done, lay out on the table the ancient wonders; I'll ponder all the things you've accomplished and give a long loving look at your acts." (Message).

Take some time to think, rehearse and ponder what God has done for you.
Keep a journal and a record of all of the great things that God has done for you. Rehearse them to yourself, with your spouse and children. Have a rehearsal with your family and friends, proclaiming the goodness of the Lord.  Give Him praise and thanksgiving for His track record in your life, especially in the tough times.  Rehearse them to the Father in your prayer time, hard times, rough times, great times and good times.  Remember how God sent you a deliverer in Jesus Christ.  When you were in Egypt, salvation had come for you.  When you were in the wilderness, He made sure that there was ample supply for you.  Prophetically speaking, this is the "table turning" season where your dreams, visions and desires will take you to the land of milk and honey; the land of more than enough.

Your Father is trustworthy; you were pursued with amazing, awesome love. You've seen His character and are able to prove that He is consistently and graciously good.  Now, all you have to do is to stay IN trust; walking by faith, not by sight and declaring the goodness of the one in whom you rely.

I pray that you have discovered and discerned how trustworthy our Father is through His Track Record.  Receive the word of The Lord and allow Him to fight on your behalf.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Joslyn's Blog: Character Assessment

Let's learn a little bit more about our Daddy and see why He's worthy of our trust.  Don't miss the prophetic word at the end.  Also, there's a give away coming, so go to the website and subscribe so you can be eligible to win. Don't forget to share with your friends. Love you lovlies.

Joslyn's Blog: Character Assessment: Blog - April 9, 2014 Character  Assessment A Lesson on TRUST- Part Three Trust is an investment of the heart to the one you allow you...

Character Assessment

Blog - April 9, 2014

Character  Assessment
A Lesson on TRUST- Part Three

Trust is an investment of the heart to the one you allow yourself to depend on.  In order for someone to be deserving of your trust, three things must exist:

1. Relationship
2. Character
3. Track Record

This week we will discuss CHARACTER. kar - ik - ter

Character includes ethical traits, qualities, peculiarities, honesty, behavior, personality and reputation all aggregated to determine a person or things nature.  It is a combination of all of these qualities that shows whether or not someone or something is good natured or not.  Today is the day of reckoning; the day that it is proven once and for all that God is good and is seen in His character.

You can discover someone's character by investigating what they do and what they have done.  You can never know God's true nature without investigation.  Investigation happens when you invest significant time in the discovery process.

When we look at a painter's work, we can see pieces of their nature in the painting.  When we examine a sculptor's work and how meticulously each facet of the sculpture has been carved out and polished tells us about the care and personality of said sculptor.  When we gaze at the stars, moon, birds, trees and discover that there is more to it than meets the eye, we are able to discern the nature and character of the Master Creator, our blessed Father.

There are so many discoveries that scientists have found; things that have always been from the beginning.  Genesis 1:1 tells us that God spoke the worlds into existence and all that He made was good.  Man was never placed on this earth until conditions were "just right".  He ensured that the earth was just enough distance from the sun so we wouldn't burn up or freeze to death.  He put everything in the earth for us to live "the good life" and to have dominion over those things.  All that He did was purposeful, deliberate, efficient, balanced, gracious, thoughtful, meticulous and loving.  YOU, my friend, were made with His hands, fearfully and wonderfully.  You weren't put on some assembly line.  He didn't resort to speaking you into existence, rather, He lovingly shaped and fashioned you in Grace and love.  This same God pursued you through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, so that you would chose to be in fellowship with Him.  He planned your life out so that nothing but goodness and mercy would follow you for all of your days.  He shows us daily by letting the sun rise and set that He is faithful.  He feeds the birds. He grows the grass and the flowers.  He sends the rain.  He ensures that harvest time arrives.

With all that we have discussed, all of these immaculate traits, the aggregate combination and quality of His perfected behavior towards us, we see that God's character and nature is that of a true Father; someone who is worthy of our trust.

PROPHETIC:  I have seen your groaning, I have heard your cry.  I know what you are feeling.  I see the hurt, the pain, the lack, the unfairness that is going on around you, but you my sons and daughters must learn to trust me.  You mustn't look at the lack or focus on the hurt and pain or unfairness.  It's time for you to shift in your paradigm.  Look only at me, your Father who will never and has never left you nor have I forsaken you.  Look at how I ensure every year that the seasons change.  Your season, this season has been far spent and the time has come and the day is at hand that all that has been stolen shall be returned in unlimited amounts.  You shall break the back and the stride of your adversary by focusing solely on Me and because your focus is on Me, I will manifest what's already been bought by rare and precious blood.  Look to Me, says The Lord and I will cause you to live in the supernatural on a daily basis until it becomes the norm in your life.  Here's what I need you to do, beloved; meditate on me, not your struggles, lack and problems.  Believe me; know that my character doesn't allow me to fail you.  TRUST me, I Am that I Am.  I'm your Daddy.  Discontinue with your striving and trying to make things happen.  It only adds to your frustration because My best for you can never get to you through your own efforts. Cease from leaning on your own understanding, only fools do that.  You, however, are no fool.  You are blessed and all shall see you and call you blessed. Bring your cares to me, for I care for you.  I need for you to take your rest in Me, says The Lord.

I pray that you have discovered and discerned how trustworthy our Father is through His character.  Receive the word of The Lord and allow Him to fight on your behalf.

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at joslyn@hisimagemanifested.org.

If you want to receive give aways and gifts from the ministry as well as finding out what we're doing and where we are going, go to the website and click on "Contacts" and hit "subscribe".

Check out my new website at www.hisimagemanifested.org. You can get to the blogs, podcasts, subscribe to our email blasts and book Joslyn and LeDerick from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog and the podcast as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less

Blog - April 1, 2014

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less

A Lesson on Trust ~ Relationship

Notes from Jump Start on March 30, 2014

"Trust God; Love men." ~ Mike Murdock
Jesus, The Repairer of the Breach.... Isaiah 58:12

What breach and why did Jesus need to repair it?  In contract law, we find that when a party does not live up to their part in the agreement, it is said that that person "breached" the agreement.  In other words, that person broke contract which in most cases, the other party can sue for damages to be made whole.

Contracts, verbal and written, are needed because people, too often, fail to keep their end of the bargain.  Thus, a contract is a safe guard to protect both parties and in essence to assure that you can trust the word of the other party.

Getting into a contract with someone doesn't require relationship. Relationship in its very essence brings about exceptional character by all parties keeping the need to have contractual agreements minimal.

As stated last week, in order for trust to happen, three things must exist.

1. Relationship
2. Character
3. Track Record

This week we will talk RELATIONSHIP.

The dictionary's definition of relationship is, "a connection, association or involvement."  When the word is broken down by relation and -ship, we find that relation deals with how someone is connected or associated and that -ship denotes the character and condition in which the connection and association exists.  For example, my relation to my children's father is by marriage and my relation to my nieces and nephew is by blood.  Digging deeper into the word, relate, the root word of relation, is a term that shows that a party must bring or establish such a connection.  Therefore, we find that ONE has to 1. bring the possibility of a connection, 2. establish such connection and
3. cultivate conditions to create significance in that connection.

From the beginning, God has pursued relationship with us; in the garden, on Mount Sinai, but man breached the relationship and the possibility of it.  Jesus, The Repairer of the Breach needed to come and mend what man consistently broke.  He came as the Bridge and Connection because God knew that we were incapable of toting the line.

Therefore, we have found that the following happened for us through Jesus:

1. We were pursued; chosen by God.
2. He created the right conditions to create right relationship with Him.
3. He removed all barriers that have kept us from being connected.
4. He built a bridge through the cross to connect us and created an avenue of intimacy through the fellowship of His Holy Spirit.

It is evident that the cross is the bridge to relationship with Father God and that He created conditions for us to be in right relationship with Him.  Righteousness, or right relationship is a gift.  Our relationship with Him gives us the power to live what we already are; righteous.

God wanted to make our connection "fool proof" so He ensured that we were connected in three ways:

1. Marriage - we are the bride of Christ.
2. Blood - we are redeemed by the blood.
3. Adoption - born into the family as sons and daughters.

Because of the aforementioned, it is easy to TRUST our Father.  It is easy to love Him.  It is easy to get to know Him because He has freely and openly revealed Himself to those who want to see Him.  He has proven through His pursuit of us; through relationship that HE ALONE is worthy of our complete trust.

Take time this week to cultivate your relationship with Abba Father. Commune with Him and be open to His presence and leading. Take a look around and discover how trustworthy your Daddy is and learn to allocate trust to the right places.

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call.

Check out my new website at www.hisimagemanifested.org. You can get to the blogs, and podcasts from this website. You can also see where we have been and what we are doing. If you want to go directly to the podcast, click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog and the podcast as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!