Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Reason You Can't Shake It Off

The Reason You Can't Shake It Off
Implementing "The Kill"

Blog April 22, 2014
Connecticut who was ranked #7 played Michigan State who was ranked #4 in the elite 8 of the March Madness saga.  At the half, Michigan was winning 25 to 21.  The half-time recap made it seem like UConn would not be able to make a move to handle the Michigan Spartans.  The commentators said, “The Huskies are undersized; they are too small, they aren’t aggressive enough, they can’t stop Michigan.”
They ended up beating Michigan State by six points after a hard fought game of defense and forcing turn overs.
The interviewer asked Coach Kevin Ollie, “How did you do it?”  He said, “We implemented what we call "The Kill”.  He later defined the kill to mean three consecutive stops.  Once you do that to your opponent, it demoralizes them.  It shakes them, gets them off of their game and turns the momentum our way.

The reason why many of us can't move from our rut, our pain, our chronic problems; the reason we can't "shake it off" is because we do not utilize the information that we know.  We are in the age of information.  We can get a word, advice, prophecies and coaching ALL online.  We have this information, yet we refuse to implement it or learn how to implement it. 

Jesus was presented with the same issues as we are. He was confronted with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life in Matthew 4 verses 1 - 11, yet He was able to implement "The Kill", three consecutive stops using the Word of His Father.  Notice that Jesus and David were accused and/or accosted three times and each time they put a stop to it because they had and used specific information. 

Adversity oftentimes comes in three's.  We must learn to implement "The Kill" to turn the momentum our way and to get the accuser to retreat.  (See James 4:7)

This is what we do when temptations, tests, trials and circumstances come:

1. We look at the enormity of the issue.  It's a giant.
2. We become intimidated and afraid. The giant speaks death threats to our minds.
3. We fall back, become terrified and live in a state of paralysis. We don't believe that we've won and we lose all hope.

David saw past the supposed impossibilities and hopelessness.

1. He never saw Goliath as unconquerable. Goliath was a small matter in God's scheme of things.
2. He never rehearsed what he saw or heard from Goliath. He only heard what His father said.
3. He believed that God was able to help him defeat Goliath just as He had helped him defeat the lion and the bear.  He trusted God by looking at God's track record.

David said it like this in 1 Samuel 17: 24-37, “I’ve been a shepherd boy, tending sheep for my father.  Whenever a lion or bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I’d go after it, knock it down, and rescue the lamb. If it turned on me, I’d grab it by the throat, wring its neck, and KILL IT. And I’ll do the same to this Philistine pig who is taunting the troops of God.

Kevin Ollie's team knew how to implement their game plan in the first half; the half that they lost.  It wasn't over, however.  They came out and used what they knew.  It may seem like you're losing now but I challenge you to implement what you know, beloved.  Put a stop to the voices that speak death.  You are not a failure. You are not unimportant.  You are not unloved.  You are not what they have said when you were little.  You are not how they treated you.  You are loved, blessed, favored and graced with unlimited amounts of potential.  All you need to do is make three consecutive stops on a consistent basis to shake it off,  turn your mind around and God's momentum will turn your way and you will perform impossible feats in this earth.  GET READY to win on a consistent basis.

I pray that this helps you this week.  Enjoy this word and share it with your family and friends.

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