Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Moments, Mementos and Momentum

Blog January 7, 2014

Moments, Mementos and Momentum

First, I would like to say to all of you who faithfully read these blogs, thank you and Happy New Year.  With New Year wishes being stated, I want to discuss with you something that I feel in my heart is important.

Many of us have been told to "live in the moment" or "enjoy the moment". At the same time, we are admonished to "keep it moving" or "get going". We are also recommended to hold on to and cherish milestones.  All of these things are great pieces of advice, however, one must ask, which one should we heed?  Can we heed them all and if so, how?  You may have notices like I have that we human beings are such that we refuse balance.

It is important for us to cherish moments.  I have a sixteen year old daughter who is growing up at the speed of light before my eyes, and I cherish every second that I have left with her, but I can't keep looking at her baby pictures trying to hold on to who she was.  She is not the same child; she has become a lovely young lady with a sweet personality.  She isn't the infant who needs me for everything anymore.  At the same time, I can't push her out of the door and look for her to move forward past God's timing for her.

I remember when the group Blessed was in transition. We had just come off of a hit song.  We had a lot of success with that first project; Stellar Award nominees and winners of several other awards. We were highly sought after by many promoters and churches. Shortly after all of this success, all hell broke loose. One of our member's left the group and sent a notice from her attorney stating that we couldn't sing the songs that she wrote and to top it off, we were dropped by our record label.  I remember us trying to pick up the pieces by adding a new group member. We moved forward and met a few people to help us get back on our feet. There was this guy named Chuck who we met through a group members husband. He was a radio personality, had his own television show and was interested in helping us. He and his dad owned the radio station and they were "big wigs" in the music industry.

Because we had experienced some level of success, we expected our connection with Chuck to yield that same level of success. I remember when we were told by Ann's husband, "Chuck called!"  We were at my house rehearsing. Needless to say, rehearsal had gone to a screeching halt because we were excited about the possibility of movement. You see, we were previously on a locomotive, so when we were thrown out of the train, we didn't know how to function, so we worked, searched and looked everywhere to make momentum happen again.  Unfortunately, our connection with Chuck didn't yield much.  We dropped a new album, but it didn't go far.

The moral of these stories is that we as HUMAN BEings need to learn how to just BE.  BE content.  BE satisfied with who God made you.  BE happy with where you are while being led by God to take you to the place He will show you.  BE aware of where you're going, but don't rush things through. If it's not happening effortlessly, then you're not ready and it's not time. BE balanced. Darling hearts, when God opens doors for you, you never have to break them down in order to get in.  We have been taught to live in the moment and hold on to the keepsakes.  When we continue to hold on to our past, we can never behold the greatness of our future in which we see in our minds. Blessed continued for a long while to live in a season that was over and not embrace what was next. After all, we were Stellar nominees and had a hit song. We didn't think about the double doors that God wanted to open that was greater than before.  There is a flip side to that however.  Many of us are dreamers and visionaries.  The problem that many of us face is that we want what we see in the Spirit NOW rather than living in the moment and allowing it to organically happen by being led by the Spirit of God. That's exactly what happened to Blessed. When we were finally able to move on from our moment, we tried to move on to places that weren't ours and that we weren't ready for.

Oftentimes, beloved, this is what we do in every facet of life.  We cherish moments to a point that we remain in the moment for life holding on to mementos that holds us hostage to that moment rather than moving on to the next season that God has for our lives.  Many of us want to move along so fast rejecting the small beginnings; the sweet times with our Father that keeps us grounded in Him. We're ready for the next season, at least in our minds, but it's not time yet. So, we try to manufacture momentum by doing everything within our own strength and remain in our flesh trying to make something happen before harvest.  We have been taught very well about how to sow seed, but not enough has been taught on waiting on the process and timing.  You see, you've sown seed but you are unaware of how and when to harvest the fruit.  If you harvest too soon, you spoil the crop, but if you harvest too late, the crop is spoiled.

Allow for God to lead you in every season; through every moment.  Allow Him to set the momentum; the speed in which you are to maneuver through life.  Many of us get caught up in the New Year trying to make things happen or try to re-make and re-live those successful times that seem to be far gone.  You are God's prized possession.  You are His people.  He will lead you beside still waters, He will restore what you think you've lost and give you better than what you've truly lost.  He made you to be like a tree, planted by the waters who will bear fruit in His season.  Relax sisters and brothers. Learn to rest in HIM. Your time may be now or it may be later, but whenever it is, it is the right time and it shall surely come to pass.

I pray that you were helped by this word on Moments, Mementos and Momentum.

Our theme for this quarter is "Getting to know who God really is: Renewing your mind".

I am excited to announce that THE PODCAST IS HERE!  Click on Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

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