Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Character Assessment

Blog - April 9, 2014

Character  Assessment
A Lesson on TRUST- Part Three

Trust is an investment of the heart to the one you allow yourself to depend on.  In order for someone to be deserving of your trust, three things must exist:

1. Relationship
2. Character
3. Track Record

This week we will discuss CHARACTER. kar - ik - ter

Character includes ethical traits, qualities, peculiarities, honesty, behavior, personality and reputation all aggregated to determine a person or things nature.  It is a combination of all of these qualities that shows whether or not someone or something is good natured or not.  Today is the day of reckoning; the day that it is proven once and for all that God is good and is seen in His character.

You can discover someone's character by investigating what they do and what they have done.  You can never know God's true nature without investigation.  Investigation happens when you invest significant time in the discovery process.

When we look at a painter's work, we can see pieces of their nature in the painting.  When we examine a sculptor's work and how meticulously each facet of the sculpture has been carved out and polished tells us about the care and personality of said sculptor.  When we gaze at the stars, moon, birds, trees and discover that there is more to it than meets the eye, we are able to discern the nature and character of the Master Creator, our blessed Father.

There are so many discoveries that scientists have found; things that have always been from the beginning.  Genesis 1:1 tells us that God spoke the worlds into existence and all that He made was good.  Man was never placed on this earth until conditions were "just right".  He ensured that the earth was just enough distance from the sun so we wouldn't burn up or freeze to death.  He put everything in the earth for us to live "the good life" and to have dominion over those things.  All that He did was purposeful, deliberate, efficient, balanced, gracious, thoughtful, meticulous and loving.  YOU, my friend, were made with His hands, fearfully and wonderfully.  You weren't put on some assembly line.  He didn't resort to speaking you into existence, rather, He lovingly shaped and fashioned you in Grace and love.  This same God pursued you through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, so that you would chose to be in fellowship with Him.  He planned your life out so that nothing but goodness and mercy would follow you for all of your days.  He shows us daily by letting the sun rise and set that He is faithful.  He feeds the birds. He grows the grass and the flowers.  He sends the rain.  He ensures that harvest time arrives.

With all that we have discussed, all of these immaculate traits, the aggregate combination and quality of His perfected behavior towards us, we see that God's character and nature is that of a true Father; someone who is worthy of our trust.

PROPHETIC:  I have seen your groaning, I have heard your cry.  I know what you are feeling.  I see the hurt, the pain, the lack, the unfairness that is going on around you, but you my sons and daughters must learn to trust me.  You mustn't look at the lack or focus on the hurt and pain or unfairness.  It's time for you to shift in your paradigm.  Look only at me, your Father who will never and has never left you nor have I forsaken you.  Look at how I ensure every year that the seasons change.  Your season, this season has been far spent and the time has come and the day is at hand that all that has been stolen shall be returned in unlimited amounts.  You shall break the back and the stride of your adversary by focusing solely on Me and because your focus is on Me, I will manifest what's already been bought by rare and precious blood.  Look to Me, says The Lord and I will cause you to live in the supernatural on a daily basis until it becomes the norm in your life.  Here's what I need you to do, beloved; meditate on me, not your struggles, lack and problems.  Believe me; know that my character doesn't allow me to fail you.  TRUST me, I Am that I Am.  I'm your Daddy.  Discontinue with your striving and trying to make things happen.  It only adds to your frustration because My best for you can never get to you through your own efforts. Cease from leaning on your own understanding, only fools do that.  You, however, are no fool.  You are blessed and all shall see you and call you blessed. Bring your cares to me, for I care for you.  I need for you to take your rest in Me, says The Lord.

I pray that you have discovered and discerned how trustworthy our Father is through His character.  Receive the word of The Lord and allow Him to fight on your behalf.

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at

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