Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Use Your WMD

Blog - April 29, 2014

Use Your WMD

Using Your Divine Apparatus - Your Mouth

I have heard about weapons of mass destruction since I can remember. The first recorded mention of WMD's was in 1947. A weapon of mass destruction is a biological, chemical, nuclear or radiological weapon that can destroy a mass of human and plant life. I can't imagine why one would want to use such a weapon, so I decided to try to find out.  According to J. Robert Oppenheimer in his lecture to the State Department in 1947, WMD's are used as "a very far reaching control which one would eliminate the rivalry between nations in this field, which would prevent the surreptitious arming of one nation against another..."  These weapons can be "guided" missiles which have the capability of causing death and serious bodily injury to a  significant amount of people upon its release.  There is much more information about this subject that I would never be able to understand, wouldn't need to understand, however, I understand that there is one member that is more deadly than a WMD.

This weapon is the tongue, our divine apparatus.  We have been given a special unction by God and that is to be creators like Him.  We are made in His image and in His likeness, therefore we have creative ability and power. Our mouths can be used to destroy our brothers and sisters (see James 2) or it can be used to create the atmosphere and life that we desire to live. Do you remember the old adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" Yet, we carry around the weights of words that have been spoken over us by the neighborhood bully who teased us or the parent who dubbed us as "never gonna be nothin'." Words are powerful, hence the only reason why human beings are the only creation that has the power of speech. Speech is a creative, supernatural power.

We are very acquainted with and aware of how we can use our mouths for negative purposes. So rather than speaking about how our tongues can destroy one another, I would like to discuss how our words can bring life, health and wholeness to our world.

In Luke chapter 5, we see Jesus on several occasions preaching His Father's words. He preaches on Simon's boat, He spoke to the leper, He preached in a house where a multitude was gathered outside where He healed the man with palsy.  The scripture says that while Jesus preached in the house, "the power of The Lord was present to heal them."  The word power here means the ability to produce, perform or act effectively. The Greek defines power as "dunamis" which means to have inherent power, strength and ability.  Inherent means to be existing, something permanent and an inseparable element.  What does all of this mean, you ask?  It means that the Rhema, spoken word of God, has the power to destroy and to perform.  The power already exists in the word, it just needs to be activated by speech and faith. The spoken word is a WMD; it is the power of God to bring destruction to a significant amount of issues.  It destroys all manner of sickness, disease, lack, poverty, emotional issues and trauma and any other ailment that is designed to keep us inoperable and ineffective.
In Luke 5, we find that while Jesus was preaching, the man with palsy was healed.  This man's ailment was destroyed instantly. At the same time, the word of God can produce what is needed for our lives. After Jesus preached on Simons boat, He told Simon to let down his nets.  Simon told Jesus that he and his associates had fished all night and that there were no fish.  He then said, "Nevertheless, at your WORD I will let down the net." While Jesus preached the word on Peter's boat, the power of the word caused the fish to come.  The word of God attracts your desires and brings them to you. Even when you can't see them, they are there.

The word carries Richter scale power, the kind of power that changes courses and directions in an instant. You have been given the right to speak the word of God, the word of the god of this world or to remain silent. Which one will you do?

Need change on you job, at home, with the children or spouse? Speak the word of God over it. Go to work early and preach the word of faith in the halls. Rise up early in the morning and decree the word of God over your family, anoint the door posts and the window sills.  When you speak the word in the atmosphere that you need changed, the power of God will be there to bring the change you need.

So let's recap.  The word of God is used to:
1. Eliminate the thoughts and suggestions of your adversary.
2. Destroy all things that are contradictory to the wholeness that Jesus paid for.
3. Create and attract the life that we desire to live.
4. Change courses and directions in our lives for the better.
5. Keep us effective in the Kingdom of God.

I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged by this word.  The word of God can NEVER return void, it MUST accomplish what it was set out to do.  Use your tongue (mouth), your divine apparatus to destroy evil and attract all of God's best to you.

His Image Manifested hosts a weekly prayer conference call entitled, "Jump Start" designed to give you a boost for your week. You may call in every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056.  I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at joslyn@hisimagemanifested.org.

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P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog and the podcast as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

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