Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rabbit Ears or SatelLIGHT?

From Jumpstart - P.E.P. Talk
August 3, 2014

"For if blood of bulls and of goats, and ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God." (AMP, emphasis)

I remember when I was younger and televisions had antennas, "rabbit ears", on top of them in order to receive a good reception of basic channels.  Moreover, there were the larger antennas on top of the house that communicated with the airwaves and the antenna on your television.  At certain times, the picture would get "fuzzy" and the sound would go out which meant that the antenna needed to be adjusted either on the roof or on the television.  I remember trying to adjust the antenna for a better picture and sound.  Sometimes, when I would touch the antenna, the picture and sound would clear up and all was A-OK, but as soon as I removed my hand, the picture would mess up again. So, the person that I was then, while watching Tom & Jerry, would stand there holding the antenna so I could continue watching my show.  I stood there, arms getting tired, and getting thirstier and hungrier (it was after school, my snack time).  I was so frustrated because I had to stand there holding the rabbit ears to get the picture and sound to work.  I was doing what I had to do if I wanted to see and hear.  I always thought to myself, there has to be a better way.  Then along came cable; Cox Cable to be exact.  No more rabbit ears to hold.  It all came from satellite.  The satellite is now the source that communicates directly to the television for a quality picture and sound.

We can look at this story from a spiritual perspective.  When life becomes skewed, unclear and cloudy; we do whatever we have to do in our own strength so that we can hear and see.  WE THINK WE CAN FIX IT.....So, we go and try to fix life's problems by standing there and holding the rabbit ears; getting thirstier and hungrier.  As a result we begin moving through life on the road to the driest places in our lives because we won't take our hands off  long enough to go to the "Well" and drink from Him and be led of His Holy Spirit in Whom He left for us to lead us and live in us.

Holding the rabbit ears is like performing dead works.  It's the blood of Jesus that purges our conscience from performing dead works and gives us the mind to serve the Living God.  The ultimate example that Jesus gives us is to do what we do THROUGH the eternal Spirit that leads us and guides us into all truth, provides a lamp for our feet and a light to our pathway.  He often stated, "I only say and do what My Father tells me to say and do." Just as he ordered Jesus' steps, He orders our steps.

Romans 9:13 -14 confirms to us two things:

1. What we do in our fleshly effort doesn't purge our thinking or our minds from the necessity to perform dead works.

2. It was the unblemished blood of the Chosen One, the Anointed Christ and His anointing by the anointing that purges our thought patterns from continuing in dead works.

When we think that our performance is how we get to get into God's good graces and become accepted by Him is when we live in error and operate in a "dead works" mentality.  His Spirit has been sent to make you new and alive to Him so that your works are THROUGH Him.  Yes, you do have things to do in this life, but what you do is to be lead by Holy Spirit.  He's the satelLIGHT that gives you HD quality in your vision and hearing.  Which would you rather; the rabbit ears or the satelLIGHT?  

I hope that this word has blessed your heart and transformed your mind.  Please meditate on this word and share it with your friends and family.

I can't wait to fellowship with you!

The prayer conference call has a NEW NAME and a NEW TIME!  It's "Jumpstart P.E.P. Talk" Praise|Exhortation|Prayer; a time to talk and listen to our loving Father. The call is designed to give you a boost to start your week off right. You may call in every Sunday MORNING at 6:00 AM EST at 530-881-1212, Pin#:545-495-056. I hope to hear you on the call. If you have a specific prayer request, email me at joslyn@hisimagemanifested.org.
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