Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Blind Spots"

By: Kay M. Vaughn
His Image Manifested Blog Contributor

Blind spots are defined as areas where a person's view is obstructed. It is a place where it seems like nothing is going on, when actually you are in eminent danger. All of us have blind spots as it concerns our eyes, and the size of the blind spot differs from person to person. The older we get the larger it grows.

In the spirit realm we have blind spots. They take place in our spiritual understanding, and in the eyes of our heart. We can be completely unaware that something hazardous or dangerous could be near us. As in the case of Leaders; some leaders command us to serve them in the blind spot, thus we can't see what is really happening. It's called "Blind Devotion" you serve because they have manipulated the word against you. They told you this was what God wanted and expected from you. You file it under "blind devotion" and proceed to develop a belief system, that OUR loving God has designed his word in such a way, that you would always be in the blind spot. God forbid!

Jesus warned us about following blind guides. The follow-no-matter-what syndrome was best defined  in Matthew 15:14. "Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. If a man guides a blind man both will fall into a pit." But, how can you tell when blindness starts to set in? What are the symptoms to look for? There are six symptoms to help you to detect whether or not you're following blindly.
1.Authoritarianism - This is when he/she begins to repress your freedom and monopolizes all your time in the name of God.
 2. Exclusiveness - You are encouraged to not deal with anybody but the church family. You are encouraged to break commitments and ties with everyone except the church.
 3. Greed- Better known as money grubbing- You give your money, but some how it is filtered back to the leader. Your connection to him or her is the only way for you to be blessed. 
 4. Sensuality - Moral purity is a must. A holy life is never optional.
 5. Unaccountability- Always blames others or surroundings. Never makes themselves accountable. This type of leader cannot be trusted. 
 6. Rationalization - Justifies wrong with a defensive spirit. They will gloss over inappropriate actions ; twist spiritual truths to fit their sinful lifestyle. 

These blind spots are areas the enemy utilizes as a hiding place from which he can launch his attack on our minds, emotions, heart and spirit. Because we don't see it we are unable to deal with it effectively. 
We cannot get the victory over an enemy we cannot discern. Take Christ's advice"Let them alone!"

Sidebar: If you are going to follow the leader- look where you are going!

I pray that you received a Rhema word from this sister! Be careful not to go blind! Kay will guest blog on a monthly basis, so keep a watch for her here at His Image Manifested.

 About the writer:

 Kay Vaughn- is mother and a wife, with a passion for writing. She discovered her love for expressing herself through words, while keeping a journal in a very difficult time. One of her greatest desire is to develop a column. Called “Kay’s Wisdom Corner” (Stayed tuned it shall come to pass) She believes strongly in the institution of marriage, motherhood and healthy relationships. She currently resides in North Carolina. On any given day you can find her spending time with her family, reading and covered in sticky notes, with her coupons nearby. 

I can't wait to fellowship with you!

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