Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Fresh and New is Now

Blog - January 29, 2014

The Fresh & New Is Now

There are so many products on the market guaranteeing freshness and cleanliness such as Febreeze (TM) and Gain (TM).  Both happen to be favorites of mine. Febreeze is a "fav" because the source of the stench may be there but it is powerful enough to eradicate the bad odor. I love Gain because not only does it eradicate the odor, it cleans the source of the bad odor then makes it smell good.  Both products bring freshness to my household.

What I love about God is that He is the originator of the "fresh and clean".  While we were yet sinner's; filthy, unclean, ungodly, and full of the stench, Christ d(a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, THE FRESH AND NEW has come!" (Amplified)
ied for the ungodly. What did His death do?  Beloved, when you accept Jesus and believe on Him and His completed work on the cross, you are made into a new creation; one that this world had never seen before.  2 Corinthians 5:17 states, "Therefore if any person is engrafted in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation

All God ever wanted and desired was to be in relationship and in communion with us.  His gift of Jesus Christ bought us back, settled the relationship and causes us to to be fresh and new.  Therefore beloved, if God sees us as new, why do we view ourselves and other believer's as being the same old person from back in the day? Why are we consistently walking in condemnation? Why do we allow shame to penetrate us to the core and we walk around so embarrassed about our past that we can't see the promised future that He has for us?  It's because our minds must be renewed to the FACT that WE ARE NEW!  The Message translation of Romans 12:2 beautifully states it like this, "Don't become so well adjusted to the culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the BEST out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."

You have been engrafted in Christ, The Vine. (See John 15:5) This means that when you are in Christ, there was a transaction that took place.  He took your past, your incompetence, all of your inadequacies, inconsistencies and your innate proclivity to do wrong and placed you in right standing with God, so that the original plan could be fulfilled.

Friends, there is no need to feel undone any longer.  You are no longer influenced by the culture, but you influence the culture. You are a new creation in Christ.  When you focus on what Jesus did instead of what you did, your life will completely change and it will shift your paradigm. It's time that you realized that God Himself made provision for your failures and you are no longer a stench to Him when you are in Christ. He has made you fresher than Febreeze and Gain could ever make you.  He is powerful enough to cleanse you from the inside out. Take a sniff, LOL!

I pray that you were helped by this word on "The Fresh and New is Now".

Our theme for this quarter is "Getting to know who God really is: Renewing your mind".

I am excited to announce that THE PODCAST IS HERE!  Click on  Joslyn's Podcast to hear the messages from the bible studies and the Jumpstart prayer conference calls.

COMING SOON:  Be on the look out for it. 



P.S. Please tell your friends to tune in to this weekly blog as it may be a blessing to them. Please comment and let us know how the blogs and podcasts are helping you.   Thanks friends!

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