Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"It's not in the Apple"

By: Kay Vaughn
His Image Manifested Blog Contributor

You know the ole adage; An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It's true, there are many health benefits to eating apples. But, for life, the pursuit of happiness, family, marriage, developing your walk with Christ, understanding his word and his character. You will need to ingest more that an apple.

I believe that the word of God has been distorted by those who cannot rightly divide it or want to take the time to get the true meaning. So they infer and confuse the word of God. Not meaning Christian s these days open the bible they care. (It seems to be for appearances only) God never created his word to be so difficult, that we couldn't understand it,. He said : Ask and it shall be given unto you. Then he said: If any man lack wisdom , open up your mouth and ask. 

Somehow the word from Genesis to Revelation has been reduce to the three scriptures we have committed to memory but, don't live by because we don't really know what it is saying. For Christians everywhere, it is time to learn who we are; what we can do; what we can have; and the authority we possess by right dividing the word. If you were placed in the woods in the dark, and someone said: I have placed lanterns along the road so you can get to your destination. You would follow it because you cannot see and you want out of the darkness, 

Your God and mine has left such a lantern. His word has enough light to illuminate any dark area in you life. It is the road map that ensures you are in his will and reach your destination. I am destine to win because his words says, I win!! I am adopting these words because of his word. 

                                                                      When life is heavy and I am down and out, I have a saviour who left a road map. 
                                                                      He carefully wrote out all I need, to lift this heaviness off of me. I've been weighed 
                                                                      down by things I should be walking on.  I've been carrying this load way to long. My
                                                                      Saviour has already done all this for me, I would know if I just stop and read. I'm laying
                                                                      down all things that don't pertain to me. Because God said: I could make a decree. An
                                                                      apple  a day , is good for some. But I am going to take this word and run. Run my race
                                                                      and overcome, because the victory; I've already won.

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